This year we’re thrilled to celebrate Women in Construction Week by showcasing the talented women who make up our organization and industry. Meet Sara Garcia, Project Engineer at RJM Construction!

Years in the industry?


What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on?

I joined the construction industry last year and it has been an amazing experience learning and facing new challenges. My favorite project so far has been V3 Sports Center in North Minneapolis. The team always kept a good attitude even when the situations were not expected. The meetings were short but always fun to be part of, and everybody was willing to help and explain when I needed it.

How did you get started in the construction industry?

I always wanted to be an architect but then I decided that I have a better relationship with numbers, so I went for engineering and then I discovered Construction Management, so here I am, giving it a try.

Why is it important to celebrate women in construction?

I think that creating this woman’s community, feeling the support from others, sharing similar experiences, and realizing that we
are capable of doing great things, make us stronger and powerful.

How are you celebrating WIC Week?

In RJM we are doing a “ladies’ tour” in one of our projects and then celebrating with a “l lunch”.