This year we’re thrilled to celebrate Women in Construction Week by showcasing the talented women who make up our organization and industry. Meet Rachel Roberts, Construction Controller at Doran Construction Company!

Years in the industry?


What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on?

My favorite project to date has been the Laker in Minneapolis. This project came with a ton of hurdles that our team not only overcame but conquered. This product type is a little different from our normal multi-family projects, so it provided some fun challenges and creative thinking to complete. We had a great team working on it.

How did you get started in the construction industry?

I had a great mentor in high school that exposed me to the construction accounting world and I haven’t looked back. I started as a filing clerk in the office of a residential developer. My curiosity and eagerness to learn propelled me forward in my career.

Why is it important to celebrate women in construction?

In a largely male-dominated industry, it’s important to recognize the contributions of the women involved in all aspects of construction.

How are you celebrating WIC week?

I will be celebrating WIC week by sharing stories and continuing to learn from the talented women I’m surrounded by every day.