What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on?
I was the Project Coordinator for a $100 million senior living facility in the greater Minneapolis area. What a fun and rewarding job. The facility had a memory care center, assisted living, senior living units and stand-alone homes. It also housed a yoga and fitness center, pool, hair salon, wood working shop, games room and much more! I was actually very jealous of the wonderful people who got to move in!

How did you get started in the construction industry?
I actually started as the receptionist & was able to take night classes & work my way up through many different positions. I worked in accounting, HR, company training, executive assistance, project coordinating, & EEO Manager. I continue learning new things & am sad that there are so few women.
How are you celebrating Women in Construction Week?
When I first started in this industry, the only women were admins & accountants. Now, there are project managers, superintendents, estimators, & safety mangers. This is a tough industry for women & telling our stories is beneficial. Associations are a way for women to network, learn, & grow.