Student Outreach

April 29, 2025 | 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM | Golden Valley, MN

Join us for a fun-filled day of networking with industry leaders, engaging in competitive & developmental activities and winning cash prizes! LTA is the chance for students to advance their professional development, network, collaborate with the community, and explore new opportunities. With a jam-packed schedule, students leave with strategic takeaways and connections to pave the way for their future success.

Cost: Students & Faculty $15 | Members – $20 | Nonmembers – $25

Thanks to our generous sponsors, this year’s event will be held in two locations (view map) across the street from each other:

  • Allegion, 1000 Boone Avenue North #340, Golden Valley, MN 55427
  • RJM Construction, 830 Boone Ave N, Golden Valley, MN 55427
 Future Leaders Competition will take place during this schedule, students will be assigned times after registration.
7:30 am – 8:00 am   Check-In and Onsite Registration
8:00 am – 8:15 am   Opening Remarks
8:30 am – 12:00 pm   Future Leaders Challenge Event 
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm   Lunch
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm   Awards and Closing Remarks
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm   Networking and Career Expo

As a sponsor, you can help make the Leadership Training Academy a memorable event for our future industry professionals! Become a sponsor today!

General Sponsorships

  • Event Sponsor – SOLD!
  • Lunch Sponsor – $425
  • Networking Social Sponsor – $200 for members | $300 for nonmembers
  • Coffee Break Sponsor – $250
  • Supporter – $150

Future Leaders Challenge Sponsorships

(Limited to 1 company for each competition, past sponsors hold first right of refusal)

  • Freeform Presentation Competition – SOLD!
  • Job Interview – SOLD!
  • Leadership Lounge – SOLD!
  • Negotiation Competition – SOLD!
  • Pursuit Competition – SOLD!
  • Table Topics Competition – SOLD!

Sponsorship Benefits

  • Company name or logo displayed on the event page of the Leadership Training Academy and announced during the presentations.
  • Recognition in MCA’s Construction Views Newsletter and inclusion in email promotions.
  • One ad in MCA’s Construction Views Newsletter based on Sponsorship level:
    • Future Leaders Challenge, Event Sponsors – One full-page ad (value $300)
  • Complimentary registrations to the event based on sponsorship level:
    • Event Sponsors – 3 registrations
    • Future Leaders Challenge Sponsors – 2 registrations
    • Lunch Sponsors – 1 registration
    • Coffee Break Sponsor – 1 registration
  • Networking Social Sponsors include a table at the networking social to meet with students present in career fair format.
  • Each company sponsoring at a level of $2,000 or higher will have a table in the Leadership Lounge where they can chat with attendees and answer any additional questions. They will also have a table at the networking social to meet with students present in career fair format.
Future Leaders Challenge Events

Each student attending the Leadership Academy must participate in at least one event in the Future Leaders Challenge. Event timeslots will be assigned by MCA staff and emailed to students the week before the event.


Freeform Presentation Competition

Focused on talking points and engagement with the audience

Sponsored by Rochon

The Freeform Presentation provides students the opportunity to present on a topic of their choice within the construction industry. Presentation materials and visual aids are encouraged but not required for the competition. This informal style presentation focuses on the student’s engagement and interaction with the audience, knowledge of talking points, and a professional approach. Each presentation will be approximately 5-7 minutes.  *Students will need to bring a PPT on a flash drive.

Job Interview

Interviewing skills developmental experience

Sponsored by Kraus-Anderson

This event involves two parts: A resume review and a mock interview (students must bring a resume with them to the event to receive resume feedback). The mock interview, conducted by a construction professional experienced in interviewing, allows the student to participate in a real job interview and receive actionable, on the spot, feedback. The student can expect to be asked real life behavioral based interview questions like those they will answer when interviewing for a job. Feedback will revolve around how well they presented themselves physically and verbally as well as how they used real life examples to demonstrate experience or proficiency in a particular skill or competency.

Check out MCA’s guide How to Ace Your Job Interview for tips and to help you prepare for this competition.


Leadership Lounge
Sponsored by OECS

The leadership lounge will provide small group networking and learning opportunities for young professionals and students in between their scheduled competitions and/or general session presentations. Students are encouraged to bring copies of their resumes to share with the companies in the leadership lounge area.

Negotiation Skills Competition

Real-world construction claim with multiple perspectives and feedback

Sponsored by Adolfson & Peterson Construction

This competition provides students a real-life opportunity to improve their skills on negotiating. Prior to the event, students registered will be given detailed information about the construction claim – a list of parties involved, a copy of the contracts, and foundation of the claim. Details of the claim will be drawn at random during the competition and be used as the topic of negotiation. Each student will be given a role and will need to defend and negotiate the best outcome based on the detail being discussed. 

The Pursuit

Create and present a complete proposal to win the contract for a real project
Sponsored by Ryan Companies

The Pursuit (formerly the Capstone Competition) challenges students to create and present a complete proposal to win the contract for a real project. Groups of 5-6 students will be required to submit qualifications, cost, schedule and project work plans for the project and present to a jury of professionals, who will judge and select the winners. Please note, there is no “day of” registration for this competition. Teams need to be pre-selected from each school to participate.

Table Topics

Thinking on your feet, public speaking developmental experience

Sponsored by Arthur, Chapman, Kettering, Smetak & Pikala, P.A.

Using the Toastmaster format, students will be provided a topic and will speak for 1-2 minutes about that topic. The topics will generally be construction related and will provide the student an opportunity to demonstrate some knowledge of the topic in an organized and concise manner. Students will receive feedback on their ability to think on their feet and clearly articulate their thoughts in the time allotted.

Thank You Sponsors!

Event Sponsor

Event Sponsor

Leadership Lounge

Job Interview

Table Topics Competition

Pursuit Competition

Negotiation Competition

Freeform Competition

Networking Social Sponsors
LaForce Inc.
Sun Control of MN